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Projects in Italy

Thanks to the program the Foundation wants to support the growth of awareness of the people on the international development issue

Across The World

Our challenge is to contribute to the creation of a world where it will no longer be necessary “to give some bread to a hungry person because there will no longer be anyone who is hungry”

Our projects

(Italiano) Educazione per tutti, rispetto dei diritti umani e sviluppo equo e sostenibile, questi sono i valori che caratterizzano la nostra mission

Our History

Il lavoro in campo sociale e al fianco dei più poveri ha sempre avuto un ruolo centrale nell’opera missionaria dell’Ordine Agostiniano.

Our Mission

The Foundation Augustinians in the World was born on 20 December 2014 at the behest of the Augustinian General Curia


We are a young and small foundation but with 750 years of history behind us and humanitarian workers in 50 countries of the world (Fr. Anthony Banks – CEO).