An agricultural program for the rural communities of Kisumu

The project aims to sustain the development of the rural communities with a special program for indigenous people, woman and children.

Sector Social and Agricultural
Location Kenya: Kisumu, rural area of Nyamasaria
€ 85.000 € 85.000
Start Date June 2014
End Date January 2017
Sponsors Curia Generalizia Agostiniana, Fondazione Vismara, OPM Chiesa Valdese
Project status Closed

The parish of the Augustinians is located in Nyamasaria, a peripheral and rural area of the city of Kisumu with a population of about 10.000 persons. The characteristic of the area is rather particular because it contains an area of high demographic growth and which is always acquiring the characteristics of an urban shantytown, and an ample rural area inhabited by small agricultural communities forced to defend themselves from the phenomenon of territorial exploitation through construction speculation and intensive cultivation on a large scale (land grabbing). In recent years there has been registered an increase in the presence of gangs of delinquents struggling ofr the control of the territory, a worsening of hygienic and sanitary conditions and the increase of the cost of living. This has produced an increase in the percentage of malnutrition of infants and the continuous violation of human rights, above all with regard to women. The project looks to developing a program of sustainability focused on operators of small works in the area of food processing, with the goal of stimulating the sharing of a model of development that is inclusive, equal and sustainable with particular attention for women and children.


The project, headed up by the Apurimac NGO, will begin by proposing a program of sustainability for small community farmers the looks to:

  1. the installation of at least 8 greenhouses in the rural community;
  2. the distribution of small work tools;
  3. the distribution to the rural communities of small farm animals (chickens);
  4. support of the production of different fruits and vegetables (grains, vegetables, and medicinal plants).

Besides economic support they are fostering the start of a program of social support the will have as its beneficiaries 50 widows and children.

The project foresees helping men of the community accept the fact that women must have a more active role in the decision making process of the village. To confront malnutrition, instead, they think to produce “nutritional anti-parasite packages of food”. The packages will be produced from products of the enterprises that have initiated differentiated farming: cereals (rich in carbohydrates), vegetables (rich in protein), fruit (rich in vitamins), and medicinal plants that can be used as natural anti-parasitics. Every enterprise involved and supported by the project must set aside part of the harvest for the production of packages to be distributed to malnourished infants.