Submit a project

The Augustinians in the World Foundation was created to assist Augustinian missionaries around the world in their social projects.

In order to facilitate our Augustinian friars and sisters in their initiatives for the poor, we have prepared forms that help the presentation of projects which, approved by the foundation’s Board of Directors, can be financed.
It is important to underline that the foundation does not have its own funds and therefore to support your projects it must seek funding and/or sponsorships.

The priority sectors, indicated by the Justice and Peace Secretariat of the Order of Saint Augustine, are:

  1. Sustainable development
  2. Education
  3. Human rights

A special program is aimed at Augustinian students who, thanks to scholarships, will be able to continue their training in Italy or in their country of origin.

To submit a financing request

fill out the form:

Send the form to:
Fondazione Agostiniani nel Mondo
Via Paolo VI, 25 – 00193 Rome (Italy)