Capacity building on project cycle management and fundraising

One of the aims of the Foundation is to support the professional growth of our missionaries in emerging countries in order to make their social projects more effective and therefore having a greater impact for the development of the country

As representatives of the local civil society, our missionaries must be able to manage every phase of development of a project (project cycle management) from the initial study to the financial accounting to the final appraisal. Thanks to this course of action, beyond the bettering of their abilities, we are able to lower the costs destined for the employment of western personnel and at the same time to guarantee to our contributors a management that is transparent, precise and adequate, as is requested from all areas of public and private financing.  Our missionaries will be supported in the activities of projection and gathering of funds, whether they are turning to the local population (crowd-funding) or to public or private financial institutions (corporate fundraising and grant-seeking).
Our program provides

  1. On-site formation on Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework Approach;
  2. Distance formation with online exercises and encounters via skype;
  3. Sharing and assisted use of models for collection of data, management, evaluation and account management;
  4. Technical assistance in the various phases of drawing up, presentation and management of the project.